[Shootout-list] log is very nice!
Isaac Gouy
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:58:16 -0800 (PST)
> > The bytecode engine results are on the "Greater
> > Computer Language Shootout", where we moved some of
> > the less mainstream stuff:
> Ah, ok ..
On the language file I sent to Brent, Felix was also on the "Greater
Computer Language Shootout" page. Given it's large user-base...
> > Isaac sent me a fun variant (which he did not want
> > used at the moment) in which we had an "Object
> > Oriented Shootout" and a "Functional Shootout".
> Aw, that would be quite interesting :)
Or just not worth the arguments; given there are so many other things
really wrong with Shootout tests, graphic design, ...
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