[Shootout-list] X per second scoring system, resume
Bengt Kleberg
Fri, 01 Oct 2004 11:30:11 +0200
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Einar Karttunen wrote:
>>I think that the it is quite interesting *how* slow a language is, not
>>just that it is slower than some other language.
> It's all about Epsilons. Maybe you have a point about certain Epsilons,
> maybe you are being overly anal.
1 big thanks to einar kartunnen for presenting my thoughts on this
subject in a much better way than i have been able to do.
2 yes, we are talking epsilons here. some of us think intrusive timers
are going to far. (i refrain from stronger expressions like the one
above since i am unsure if they are sufficiently polite)