[Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow, massivly parallell
Bengt Kleberg
Fri, 01 Oct 2004 12:07:28 +0200
Isaac Gouy wrote:
> --- Bengt Kleberg <bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com> wrote:
>>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 08:46:25 +0200
>>From: Bengt Kleberg
>>>But it's OK to dumb down until Erlang can get a good score?
>>you are almost correct. i am willing to dumb down a test to make
>>_the-best-language_ look good. any test, any language.
>>you see, i want to find the gold nuggets. if the test is so harsh as
>>to make all languagaes appear to be silt, it is no fun. the others,
>>the chaff, they do not deserve a helping hand. imho.
> If Erlang is best it will head the ranking in an inclusive test -
> there's no need to craft an exclusive test.
in keping with my promise i will switch to private email until i have
managed to persuade Isaac Gouy that when i write ''any language'' i do
not mean exclusivly erlang.