[Shootout-list] Re: ghc accerman (same speed, smaller loc) and procinst update
Einar Karttunen
Sun, 3 Oct 2004 05:23:42 +0300
On 03.10 02:02, Aaron Denney wrote:
> On 2004-10-02, Einar Karttunen <ekarttun@cs.helsinki.fi> wrote:
> > Added a Haskell version for procinst. This seems quite fast and clean.
> > Please feel free to nuke/modify it if the test changes.
> It does, but I'm not sure it's fair, as the MVar is created by the
> process, and no-one else has a reference to it.
Well it is returned by the spawning function, just not used by
anything. There is no real way of sending messages to threads in
haskell, it is done instead with MVars (or Chans which are implemented
with MVars).
Writing to the MVars does not create significant costs, but I didn't
include it since the erlang test does not have it either.
- Einar Karttunen