[Shootout-list] ring of processes
Raymond Racine
Mon, 04 Oct 2004 19:51:04 -0400
On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 08:48, Bengt Kleberg wrote:
> i have a alternative version of ring in erlang included. for those that
> think erlang is difficult i could do one in mzscheme this evening. would
> that help?
> bengt
I am a fan of the PLT mzscheme implementation. Not only does it have
superb concurrent capabilities, I think its been over hauled to be even
better in the 3.00. So for me, personally, an mzscheme impl would be
nice to reverse out your intent... However, I am not sure how facile
others are in Scheme however.
I think a concise text description of the algorithm is what I am looking