[Shootout-list] thoughts on the subject of ''compile to native code''

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Thu, 07 Oct 2004 15:47:43 +0200


i must apologise for having lost the name of the person who first raised 
the quesiton about ''compile to native code'' for languages like CMUL.

anyway, my attempt of a solution would be to do away with this 
distinction completely. instead we could have a ''language 
configuration'' page for each language for each test. here we could list 
what was done to the source code to achive the times reported. compile, 
link and run time flags. if the needed run time library is not mentioned 
when CMUL is linked we would have to add it manually.
hopefully these flags are already available and could be put onto the 
page atomatically.  i do not know enough about webdesign to be able to 
assert this with any great certainty.

it is important to know that the results of a test where obtained with 
the, perhaps little known, flags ''+RTS -k128'' etc.
however, i do not think it is particularly usefull to have singled out 
compiled, or not, on the main page of a test.
neither do i find it useful to list both compiled and interpreted times 
for the same language (implementation) on the main page.
to go as far as to only list the fastest implementation of a specific 
language, is to go too far. imho.
