[Shootout-list] process creation & message passing

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 12:11:02 -0700 (PDT)

- create a chain of 1000 processes/threads/... 
- send message 0 to one end of the chain
- each process/thread/... 
   receives an integer x from previous process/thread, 
   buffer x, 
   passes x+1 to the next process/thread/... 
- except last process/thread/... 
   receives an integer x from previous process/thread, 
   buffer x, 
   accumulates sum of message x values
: print sum (should be 1000 * m, show messages were not corrupted)
(1 parameter, m: how many 0 messages are sent to chain end)
scale by increasing number of messages sent.

- create a chain of 1000 processes/threads/... 
- destroy the chain of processes/threads/...
- repeat n times
: print 1000 (show program exited normally)
(1 parameter, n: how many create/destroy cycles)
scale by increasing number of create/destroy cycles.

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