[Shootout-list] process creation & message passing
Bengt Kleberg
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:17:58 +0200
Isaac Gouy wrote:
>> the time it takes to create, and maintain, a variable amount of
processes, not something else.
> Why a "variable amount of processes"?
because i think that is valuable information.
>> i disagree. even languages that use kernel threads can create
>> threads. it is not impossible.
> Yes they can, and the number of kernel threads that can be created is
> limited by the available memory on the test machine.
i agree. the number of threads (kernel or non-kernel) is limited by
available memory. i am interested in the limit.
what is your point in this discussion?
the original quoute that started my argumentation was from you:
''The new process creation & message passing tests will not provide a
measurement of the time to create a thread, or the time to pass
messages between threads, for most of the languages in the Shootout.''
i say the new tests will provide measurement of the time to create a
thread, and the time to pass messages between threads. you say?
>> otherwise we end up with test results like the current objinst. i
think objinst is a failure.
> Why?
because it claims to test
''the speed of object instantiation in OO languages''
and it has several entries of non-oo languages.
> Can you read Java?
slowly, if i have to. it was 5 years ago i stopped doing java
programming. even then i was not doing advanced things.
>> how do we get a graph over n from this test?
> You deleted the series of measurements given in the original posting!?
i was trying to interpret the text. the series of measurements was the
desired result. i wanted to know how to get to it. i did not then, nor
do i now, doubt its existence.
i think you have answered the question in other email in this thread
(process creation & message passing)