FW: [Shootout-list] grossly distinct
Brandon J. Van Every
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 11:58:41 -0700
Bengt Kleberg wrote:
> Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> ...deleted
> > I think you could stand to provide more specifics of your own, like
> > which language implementations or tests you think are
> > demonstrating this
> > wonderful interpreted performance. I think this will start to beg
> > questions about CRAPS.
> while not exactly about craps, this is your thread
I could do without the territoriality about threads, if you please.
Threads take multiple people to discuss them; they are 'owned' by the
> and if you want to
> know i will try and answer:
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/bench/wc/
A test of IO, perhaps? I think testing IO is very different than
testing CPU performance. Why the 4K limit on reading input?
> > I think we've spent enough words on "one best language profile" vs.
> > "several grossly distinct language profiles." I am not the
> > only person who disagrees with you on this point.
> i beg do disagree. while we have spent many words we have yet to show
> some logical reasoning.
Are you referring to 'one vs. many profiles', or to 'grossly distinct' ?
The former is a horse beaten to death. The latter we haven't much
talked about, hence the title of this thread.
In either case, reasoning has been offered. When you say the reasoning
offered isn't logical, that's just your opinion and others don't
necessarily agree with you.
Cheers, www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA
20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.