[Shootout-list] begging questions about CRAPS

Brandon J. Van Every vanevery@indiegamedesign.com
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 23:14:59 -0700

Aaron Denney wrote:
> If we were to do this, I'd prefer it if objinst and methcall
> to be given a default weighting of 0 on the CRAPS.

Although I'm only barely following this particular debate, I see this as
yet another instance where CRAPS includes a lot of divergent stuff that
isn't terribly useful.  My own pet peeve is LOC, but I was unable to
locate a definitive debunking paper, and I was unwilling to put more
than about 30 minutes of effort into the search.  Anyways, it seems that
there are some major categories of capability that really shouldn't be
mixed and matched together:

- threading and concurrency
- garbage collection
- object oriented stuff
- file IO stuff
- probably others, feel free to add to the list

Why not mix and match?  Because people's case uses are so different.
For instance, shell scripting languages have all sorts of capabilities
that I as a low level 3D graphics optimization kind of guy could
absolutely care less about.  I think an effort to create more of a group
structure for tests, and to engineer composite scores relevant to the
groups, should be undertaken.

This is generally what I mean by 'begging questions about CRAPS'.

Cheers,                         www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.