[Shootout-list] begging questions about CRAPS
Einar Karttunen
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 10:38:25 +0300
On 20.10 00:09, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> I especially hate line counts and other nonsense about what language has
> a 'better' syntax. The best way to determine that is by looking at the
> example snippets and deciding for oneself.
Somekind of easy way of monitoring how long the examples are is nice,
because most people don't have time to look at all of them, just the
interesting ones.
> My own stakes in the Shootout have changed since I got on this list. My
> interest in advocating for OCaml is pretty much gone. 2 reasons for
> that: (1) I realized the Shootout isn't well focused for showcasing
> OCaml. All that's really needed is a simple benchmark comparing OCaml,
> C++, Java, and C#. (2) I realized I couldn't get the OCaml community to
> do any advocacy, marketing, or biz stuff. (3) I've postponed any OCaml
> developments and am currently looking at Scheme (ala Bigloo). C FFIs
> and tools are the driving issues here. I might be better off in
> Scheme-land.
The shootout should imho not be focused on showcasing any single
language, while developers of course have their own pet languages.
> So for me what's left is 2 generally good ideas:
> - increasing timing accuracy for startup / shutdown
Remember our discussion with lazy startup etc (starting to execute the
code may or may not mean all initializations are done). Also in some
tests like wc, I consider them a meaningfull part of the score ;)
> - better groupings of scoring categories
How about this:
Group tests into categories, and show them under them in the left hand
panel. For each category there is a scorecard for it. Don't touch the
main score page, but add a note that the per-category scores may be
interesting too.
In the end it would look like:
And e.g. CPU would be a link to a page displaying only the scores
under the CPU category.
I think this would be nice and bring more organisation into things.
However I have not edited the webpages, and don't know how much work
it would be...
- Einar Karttunen