[Shootout-list] Re: begging questions about CRAPS

Aaron Denney wnoise@ofb.net
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 07:51:25 +0000 (UTC)

On 2004-10-20, Brandon J. Van Every <vanevery@indiegamedesign.com> wrote:
> I'm seeing this list as an instance of the generalized 'herding cats'
> problem.  I don't see any basic interest in agreeing on anything in
> order to reach a goal.  Rather, I see individuals with their own agendas
> who aren't going to budge from them.  Nobody has a stake in any
> particular outcome, it's all just driven by people's moods and tastes.
> Occasionally the interests of 2 people overlap on something.  Does that
> result in any kind of cooperation?  Or do we mainly just discuss all
> these things because we like the discussion for its own sake?

Well, none of us are in any big hurry to "get the shootout done".  Long
involved discussions until concensus is reached isn't then a bad thing
from our point of view.

Secondly, Brent Fulgham is the main guy.  He's running the show and gets
to decide what changes get made.  As a result people tend more to
express opinions rather than say "we need to do this".

Of course, judging consensus can be hard.  One wants to wait for a
chorus of "that seems reasonable, let's do it", but I know many people
(including myself) only tend to respond when they have objections.
F'rex, I'm perfectly happy with Isaac Gouy's proposed procinst and
ringmsg replacements, chain and chainmsg (with Einar Karttunen's
output sum change).

(changing the test structure, and ranges of tests also seems harder
to get done vs updating entries for a specific language.  One changes
what we're measuring, so is much more of a "what are we trying to do
here?" sort of thing.)

Aaron Denney