[Shootout-list] begging questions about CRAPS

Einar Karttunen ekarttun@cs.helsinki.fi
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 13:33:29 +0300

On 20.10 02:48, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Far more important is to define what the groups should be and how to
> score them, as opposed to how to display them.  How they should look
> upon a webpage is an implementation detail, determined by the data to be
> so displayed.

Inside the groups one can use a CRAPS like system with 
arbitary weights for the cases as deemed suitable by
the people working on the category.

Let the main scorecard be so the intra-category scoring
has no effect on it.

This should be simple and have the relevant information managed in a
localized manner.

E.g. you are interested in CPU intensive benchmarks so you only look 
at the CPU category and ignore the large "common" CRAPS page and other

- Einar Karttunen