[Shootout-list] process creation & message passing

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 09:25:17 -0700 (PDT)

--- Bengt Kleberg wrote:
> Isaac Gouy wrote:
> ...deleted
> > chain & chainmsg will provide measurement of time to create a
> > thread, and time to pass messages between threads.

> i agree.
> they will do this for a subset of situations i would like to measure.

> i disagree about the exclusion.
> just use less than 128,000 threads if it is too much.
> i disagree about the exclusion.
> use less than 8k threads if it is too much.

imo That's misleading.
The lowest N used for the procinst test was 32,000
ringmsg *specifies* 8,192 child processes

> i want to measure:
> 1 start up times (small n)
> 2 steady state times (medium n)
> 3 low memory times (large n)
> i do not want to exclude 1 and 3. do you?

Yes. The Shootout uses broad brush-strokes.
We're moving from one concurrency test (producer-consumer with it's 2
threads) to three concurrency tests. 
imo That's enough - there are other aspects of Shootout which need

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