[Shootout-list] begging questions about CRAPS
Einar Karttunen
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 22:45:36 +0300
On 20.10 10:23, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Einar Karttunen wrote:
> >
> > E.g. you are interested in CPU intensive benchmarks so you only look
> > at the CPU category and ignore the large "common" CRAPS page and other
> > categories.
> My agenda is to kill CRAPS. I think it should be replaced with a system
> of better grouped, composite benchmarks. CRAPS is crap!
Well to kill CRAPS something better has to exist first.
I don't believe CRAPS is religion to any of us.
When we have per category scores using them instead the invidual
scores would be easy in the main results page too. However we don't
know whether those (per category scores) are good before they exist...
So if those would exist convincing people to switch to them would be
more feasible ;)
- Einar Karttunen