[Shootout-list] Re: OO (was Re: process creation & message passing)
Brent Fulgham
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:36:50 -0700 (PDT)
--- Aaron Denney wrote:
> My suggestion means you have multiple tests, each
> requiring some aspect in the object-system that you
> think is reasonably core. Requiring the same
> object-system for all tests means that one can't
> optimize the object system for case "a" in test "a",
> case "b" in test "b", and so forth, but has to make
> tradeoffs, just as languages with built-in
> OO systems need to do.
This is an excellent idea. However, there is still
a hole in that languages without any object system
(or consistent OO library) would still be able to
optimize each test by hand-coding an implementation.
So, perhaps I am wrong and we should require that
tests be implemented using some widely-available
library (e.g., CLOS or GOOP).
My goal is that implementations using something like
Haskell or Clean typeclasses can be considered "valid"