[Shootout-list] Hi

skaller skaller@users.sourceforge.net
26 Oct 2004 17:13:50 +1000

Hi, I've just downloaded the CVS version of the shootout,
and typing 'make all' gives two problems:

bin/make_versions > versions.html.tmp && \
mv -f versions.html.tmp versions.html
Warning Version for gnat may be incorrect: ()
Warning Version for mawk may be incorrect: ()
Warning Version for ciao may be incorrect: ()
sh: line 1: /usr/bin/lisp: No such file or directory
Warning Version for cmucl may be incorrect: (CMU Common Lisp )
Warning Version for sbcl may be incorrect: ()


(cd bench ; make all)
make[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/local/src/cvsshoot/shootout/bench'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/bin/oo2c', needed by
`oberon-includes'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/local/src/cvsshoot/shootout/bench'
make: *** [all] Error 2

The second problem is related to the fact I don't have oberon.
I fixed this before (on a tarball distro).

I guess it would be nice to have a ./configure script that
somehow lets you build and run the shootout, even if you
only have some of the language translators... later I'll get
them all, but at the moment my root partition is 96% full,
and my development workspaces is 85% full .. I need to live
with that for a few months (my box is way too old to bother
upgrading, I'll be replacing it entirely)

John Skaller, mailto:skaller@users.sf.net
voice: 061-2-9660-0850, 
snail: PO BOX 401 Glebe NSW 2037 Australia
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