[Shootout-list] Multiple files allowed per test? (GNAT Ada)

Brent Fulgham bfulg@pacbell.net
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 10:54:34 -0700 (PDT)

--- Greg Buchholz <sleepingsquirrel@yahoo.com> wrote:
>     Over on the tracker site, I made mention that
> the 3 files for the GNAT fasta test by Jim Rogers 
> should be combined into one.  My cursory
> glance at the shootout has led me to believe that
> one file per benchmark was a requirement.  Is this 
> the case?

Yes and no.

GNAT has a utility (called 'gnatchop') which allows
a single GNAT *.adb file to explode into the various
files needed to generate the executable.

Several GNAT tests already do this.

In the case of Java, a single source file is used
to generate several class files.  This is fine.  I
don't care how many intermediate files get generated
as long as I can keep a single file in the repository,
and run some set of commands on that file to build
the executable.
