[Shootout-list] Stuff

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Tue, 26 Apr 2005 06:51:11 -0700 (PDT)

> different people have different "practically important sets of
> problems".
> the interesting question is who gets to decided which sets should be
> in the shootout, and which should be removed?

What practically meaningless problems are sufficiently interesting to
motivate people to contribute and improve programs?

> ...deleted
> > (The obvious problem benchmark is pidigits because it requires
> > arbitrary precision arithmetic.)
> would it not be possible to do arbitrary precision arithmetic in 
> languages that does not have it built-in, by coding it oneself?

That's all the Lua BigNum liberary is  http://oss.digirati.com.br/luabignum/

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