[Shootout-list] Stuff (wide range of languages, external libraries)

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Tue, 26 Apr 2005 10:46:46 -0700 (PDT)

>  > Examples of OO code in C and Erlang! Interesting is one word for
> it :-)
> :-) Ok, ok, my message should have read "...in each OO language", is
> that better?
> But of course it is also possible to emulate OO with a table of
> pointer to function. I did not say it was a good idea :)

At which point we ask - wasn't this supposed to be OO?

Come-up with a problem that will lead to the kind of functionality
you're interested in comparing - without needing the OO label.

There's nothing to prevent someone writing Java programs for existing
problems - using virtual methods instead of static calls.

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