Fwd: Re: [Shootout-list] Science-related benchmarks (external libraries)

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Wed, 27 Apr 2005 07:51:59 +0200

Jon Harrop wrote:
> Oh no, I'd rather leave it as it is. I don't like the idea of counting
> standard library code (assuming you'd just cut and paste that) towards the
> total LOC of the program as that no longer reflects the effort and risk
> involved in writing the program. I know LOC isn't a great measure, but I
> think it's the best we can do.

i agree. counting standard library code in loc is a really bad idea.
and, yes, loc is a good idea. it shows how high level a language is. 
fewer (new) lines of code gives fewer bugs. well worth knowing.
