[Shootout-list] Ray tracer

Jon Harrop jon@ffconsultancy.com
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 10:31:02 +0100

On Thursday 28 April 2005 09:01, Bengt Kleberg wrote:
> Isaac Gouy wrote:
> >>I've boiled my program down to 94 LOC
> >
> > Hmmm 94 LOCs of not Java and not C# - that's really helpful.
> would you care to explain what your comment means?
> (anybody else that understand is also free to explain)

I believe Isaac is saying that we need to have submissions under 100 LOC in 
both Java and C# or the benchmark is not suitable for the shootout. I don't 
know either of those languages, which makes that hard for me.

Of course, with 97 LOC in OCaml, the nbody benchmark is perfectly acceptable 
(and one of the most cross language benchmarks). There are also 117 and 120 
LOC versions in C# and Java. Indeed, most implementations are over 100 LOC. 
Perhaps we should remove nbody? I think not...

Also, regex has entries with 164, 766 and 767 LOC and spellcheck has C entries 
with 178 LOC.

In the case of my ray tracer, the first page just defined basic maths. So any 
language which already implements those functions has a big headstart.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Objective CAML for Scientists