[Shootout-list] Ray tracer
29 Apr 2005 07:52:00 +1000
On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 06:31, Sebastien Loisel wrote:
> > The only question I have is, should this replace
> > something, or is it unique and necessary in its own
> > right? And why?
> Been thinking about that myself. If you could wave your magic wand
> again, it would help.
> If there's one thing that's clear to me, it's that having things like
> ray tracers, n-body and LU decomposition is more interesting than
> method call. But that's just me. So I'd like to find a way to make
> sure we can accept these tests.
Divide the tests into categories?
Recursion -- Tak, Ackermann ..
These test focus on optimisation of heavily recusive functions
Numerical -- LU Decomp, ray trace, matrix, determinant
These test focus on general floating point performance
Data Structure -- hash
These tests focus on performance of simple generic data structures
Features -- EH, thread, Microthread, plugins, eval, regexps
These tests determine how language provides certain features.
The result is "Can't", "Native", "Howto"
"Howto" is a description such as:
C: Eval: use setenv() to bind variables and call system()
function to compile and execute the code.
C:regexp: use flex tool
C:regexp: use PCRE binding
Scripting -- sumcol ..
These tests include compile and run time and focus on
quick and dirty programs, but they may also require
combination of many features to work.
C interfacing -- regexps, gmp ..
Compares performance and ease of interfacing
to popular C libraries
John Skaller, mailto:skaller@users.sf.net
voice: 061-2-9660-0850,
snail: PO BOX 401 Glebe NSW 2037 Australia
Checkout the Felix programming language http://felix.sf.net