[Shootout-list] Ray tracer

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 22:40:57 -0700 (PDT)

--- skaller <skaller@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 13:45, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> > What problem are these categories supposed to solve?
> Allow larger number of tests, hence more reliable results,
> whilst still allowing people to comprehend: the amount
> of available time someone would have examining the 
> Shootout being a point you raised yourself.

Has anyone suggested that having a larger variety of test would in some
sense give more reliable results?

Apart from those I know to be plain wrong - the results do seem to be
reliable. The problem is elsewhere. The problem is that sometimes
people wish to draw general conclusions from limited data.

> Whether it would do so, and/or be worth the effort,
> is another question. What do yo think?

As a design tool for checking which benchmarks overlap - yes.
As an excuse for adding another and then another benchmark - no.

Writing a set of shootout benchmarks shouldn't become some marathon

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