[Shootout-list] Dispatch benchmark questions
Isaac Gouy
igouy2 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 25 15:42:00 UTC 2005
Having a "virtual method" test always seemed like a bad idea, and at
least in this specific case it was a bad idea. Dispatch has been
dispatched to The Sandbox.
--- Einar Karttunen <ekarttun at cs.helsinki.fi> wrote:
> Hello
> I just want to make some questions on the new dispatch benchmark
> mainly
> on what is required and what not.
> Would the following be legal:
> * BottleStates are immutable - thus making a flyweight pattern make
> little sense. What does flyweight pattern mean in a language that
> does
> not have pointer equality?
> data BottleState a = Full | Empty | Sealed | Subclass a
> data PBottleState = UPFull | UPEmpty | PUnsealed | PSealed
> type BS = BottleState PBottleState
> * "PressurizedBottle is a subclass of Bottle"
> But they have equal contents (a PressurizedBottle is a Bottle and
> adds
> no new members). Is using types like the following cheating?
> type Bottle = IORef BS
> type PBottle = IORef PBottleState -- (or BS if so required)
> newBottle = newIORef Full
> newPBottle = newIORef UPFull
> - Einar Karttunen
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