[Shootout-list] Activity?
Brent Fulgham
Mon, 7 Feb 2005 14:28:06 -0800 (PST)
--- Greg Buchholz <sleepingsquirrel@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Browsing through the shootout list archive, I
> notice that Mr. Fulgham last posted on December
> Do we know if Brent is
> on-vacation/sick/swept-out-to-sea-in-the-tsunami?
> Here's to hoping he's in good health.
I'm just fine, but just having a hard time getting
a few minutes to update the site.
I've been trying to set things up on Alioth so that it
automatically updates the website from CVS, which will
help a lot, but unfortunately the site is largely a
one-person job (my fault).
I'm trying to fix things so that:
1. Code contributions can be added externally.
2. The HTML-ized copies of the source can be reliably
generated someplace besides my build machine.
Ideally, it would be really nice to be able to locate
the shootout build environment on a network-accessible
machine that could run periodically. Until that
happens, I'm afraid the site is subject to my whim and
availability :-(
I've been promising for the last couple of weeks to
update the site, but have been horribly unreliable
about it. :-)