[Shootout-list] Improved ocaml pidigits... maybe.

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 13:07:11 -0800 (PST)

> Technically, this is not the same algorithm as in the 
> pseudocode from the paper, but I'm submitting it anyway because the  
> optimization is mentioned in the paper.

Thanks for saying in a straight-forward way that "this is not the same

The interest and inventiveness shown in putting together
implementations for these programs is a continuing source of delight to

Having said that, my viewpoint is that as-far-as possible the Shootout
is about comparing language implementations. When we find smarter way
to solve the problem, we've stopped comparing language implementations
and started comparing knowledge of algorithms and programmer skill.

Thankfully the Shootout can measure and show "alternative" implementations.

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