[Shootout-list] Reboot

Jon Harrop jon at ffconsultancy.com
Fri Jul 29 05:21:55 UTC 2005

On Friday 29 July 2005 05:17, skaller wrote:
> > I think you may have over-optimised Ack. ;-)
> What do you mean by that?

Nothing at all. :-)

> There is no special support 
> for Ackermann's function: all the optimisations are
> general. I actually do have a more specialised secret
> optimisation up my sleeve <g> which applies to a restricted
> class of functions which will make Felix run Ack even
> faster but it isn't implemented yet. Plus there are
> three other general optimisations that aren't done yet.

Hang on. If you're writing your own compiler and it is on the shootout then 
you can just substitute and interpret until all of the trivially flawed 
shootout tests (ackermann, binary trees, dispatch, harmonic, mandelbrot, 
n-body, nsieve*, pidigits, random, spectral-norm, startup and takfp) are 
completely optimised away.

That should boost Felix' rankings. :-)

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
Objective CAML for Scientists

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