[Shootout-list] ackermann, values for ''n''
Bengt Kleberg
Mon, 13 Jun 2005 09:36:10 +0200
this email contains no new information. i only re-iterate the things
that was not answered/commented/discussed last week.
1 the current shootout takes 36 hours to run. i suggest that a change to
allow the shootout to only run a single test with all languages, or a
single language with all the tests, would help with this problem.
does this sound like it is wrong, or a step backwards, or not helpful?
2 the ackermann test goes from very fast to very slow with a very small
increase in ''n''. i think it would be better to have another test than
ackermann. still a test of Integer recursive function performance, but
another. one that is not so sensitive to ''n''.
does this sound like it is wrong, or a step backwards, or not helpful?