[Shootout-list] Ackermann
Brent Fulgham
Fri, 17 Jun 2005 12:02:31 -0700 (PDT)
--- Einar Karttunen <ekarttun@cs.helsinki.fi> wrote:
> Jon Harrop <jon@ffconsultancy.com> writes:
> > I notice the fastest C++ implementation of
> > Ackermann uses templates to do work at compile
> > time. Is this allowed? If so, am I allowed to
> > submit the equivalent OCaml?
> That seems like cheating. In Haskell I can execute
> all computations I want at compile time (without
> resorting to ugly templates). Do we really
> want to start this path?
I agree. We need to move the C++ template version
to "interesting alternative". Of course, it would
be great to have Haskell and Ocaml "interesting
alternative" versions that use the same trick --
lots of readers would benefit from seeing how this
is done.
> One vote for disallowing this - it should go as an
> interesting alternative.