[Shootout-list] Ackermann
Bengt Kleberg
Sun, 19 Jun 2005 13:11:24 +0200
On 2005-06-18 17:20, Jon Harrop wrote:
> On Saturday 18 June 2005 09:58, you wrote:
>>John Skaller <skaller@users.sourceforge.net> writes:
>>>So the solution has to be to throw out ackermann.
> Yes.
this is the right place for me to step in. i hope i have not been
missed. (supposed to be slightly funny)
since a few weeks back i have suggested the removel of ackermann from
the shootout. in my opinion it is not a good test since it does not
allow widely spaced ''n''. this makes it really difficult to find a
suitable ''n'' if we want to remove both too fast (ie, not enough
granularity) and too slow (not enough time) implementations.
from this discussion i also learn that too few ''n'' makes it easier to
''cheat''. thus giving me another argument for doing away with ackerman.
how many do we need?