[Shootout-list] Ray tracer (test rules)
Bengt Kleberg
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 10:08:21 +0200
On 2005-06-20 04:13, John Skaller wrote:
> Indeed .. I've been lazy about writing tests myself,
> because it is really complicated thinking about
> how to convince the admins to accept them.
this is (imho) a good reason to have explicit rules for what is
acceptable, and what is not acceptable, for a test.
i have previously had the unfortunate experience of spending lots of
time developing some piece of code for the shootout only to have it
thrown out from the shootout because of undocumented rules. since that
time i ask first, and code later. getting answers is really difficult,
but less devastating (this was intended to be exaggerated).