[Shootout-list] Generic splitter for source code
Isaac Gouy
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 07:14:15 -0700 (PDT)
--- Bengt Kleberg <bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com> wrote:
> On 2005-06-19 17:22, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> ...deleted
> > My apologies if you contributed a script that could have been used
> - I
> > don't recall seeing the code and it doesn't seem to be attached to
> the
> > tracker ticket.
> as i wrote i offered to do such a splitter.
> i have previously had the unfortunate experience of spending lots of
> time developing some piece of code only to have it thrown out from
> the shootout because of undocumented rules. since that time i ask
> first, and code later.
Jose actually wrote a splitter - and we didn't use it.
I've written a splitter and we use it for now - if someone writes a
Perl version that's no worse then we'll throw out the work I did and
use the Perl version.
We've thrown out tests that I made.
There are no guarantees.
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