[Shootout-list] Bug note
John Skaller
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 11:26:10 +1000
Just quick note on what looks like a serious bug (yes, posted to
bug tracker too ..)
In the listing for
ackermann C gcc #3 program
which scores 0.12 seconds I find the command line:
BUILD COMMANDS FOR: ackermann.gcc-3.icc
Tue Jun 7 22:21:19 PDT 2005
/opt/intel_cc_80/bin/icc -O3 -ip -static -unroll ackermann.gcc-3.c -o ackermann.gcc-3.icc_run
well now, that looks to me that it is running the Intel C compiler,
not gcc.. here is the command line shown for the intel compiler:
BUILD COMMANDS FOR: ackermann.icc-3.icc
Tue Jun 7 22:22:09 PDT 2005
/opt/intel_cc_80/bin/icc -O3 -ip -static -unroll ackermann.icc-3.c -o ackermann.icc-3.icc_run
John Skaller <skaller at users dot sourceforge dot net>
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