[Shootout-list] how to force a benchmark to be re-run
Isaac Gouy
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 08:15:36 -0700 (PDT)
--- Stephen Weeks <sweeks@sweeks.com> wrote:
> How does one force a benchmark to be re-run? I have updated
> mandelbrot.mlton several times since it was last run on May 22.
> However, none of those updates have caused it to be re-run, as the
> log
> still says
> BUILD COMMANDS FOR: mandelbrot.mlton
> Sun May 22 14:16:46 PDT 2005
> ...
> Thanks.
Doesn't this seem like a bug?
Please add a new item to Bugs
Please don't expect the couple of people who are trying to fix bugs
will do extra work trying to separate out stuff from the mailing list.
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