[Shootout-list] New Benchmarks

Greg Buchholz sleepingsquirrel@member.fsf.org
Tue, 15 Mar 2005 13:26:34 -0800 (PST)

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--- Brent Fulgham <bfulg@pacbell.net> wrote:
> Consequently, we are always on the lookout for new and
> exciting benchmarks to include (and possibly displace
> 'old' benchmarks.)


> I would like to see more "real world" test of this
> kind, since they are (a) interesting, and (b) easier 
> to specify in such a way that we don't have to go to
> ridiculous extremes to prevent Haskell (for example)
> from optimizing away operations that it (rightly)
> identifies as worthless!  :-)

  At one time, I toyed with the idea of doing a (simplified) ray tracer
for the shootout.  Toward that end, I wrote a Haskell and Perl
implementation which renderd a POV-like input file and produced a *.ppm
graphics file for output.  Maybe this could be inspiration to someone for
creating a new benchmark?  One problem might be the length of the
programs.  They are a little longer than most of our current benchmarks
(180 lines of Haskell, and 242 lines of Perl).  And I suspect that
complicated benchmarks result in fewer people interested in porting to
their favorite language.  The programs could be whittled down in size by
eliminating features (like not parsing an input file).  FWIW, the current
programs only handle mirrored spheres and checkered planes and you can
see an example of the output at...


Attached are the two programs, and an example input file.  (I know the
programs badly need more comments).  Two ray tracing resources I found
helpful were...


Greg Buchholz

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Content-Type: text/x-haskell; name="trace.hs"
Content-Description: trace.hs
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="trace.hs"

-- Raytracer
--   Renders a POV-like file (on STDIN) and produces a *.ppm file on STDOUT
--   Uses a right-handed coordinate system 
--   z    y        X increases towards the right 
--    |  /         Y increases going into the monitor
--    | /          Z increases upwards 
--    +---->x
-- compile: ghc -package parsec -O2 -o trace trace.hs 
--     run: trace 800 600 <test.pov >out.ppm

import System(getArgs)
import List(sort, sortBy)
import Char(chr)
import Debug.Trace
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

--Vector stuff
data Vec = V !Double !Double !Double deriving Show

instance Num Vec where
    (V a b c) + (V x y z) = (V (a+x) (b+y) (c+z))
    (V a b c) - (V x y z) = (V (a-x) (b-y) (c-z))
instance Eq Vec where (V a b c) == (V x y z) = (a==x) && (b==y) && (c==z)
instance Eq Color where (RGB a b c) == (RGB x y z) = (a==x) && (b==y) && (c==z)

dot (V a b c) (V x y z) = a*x + b*y + c*z
scale :: Double -> Vec -> Vec
scale n (V a b c) = V (n*a) (n*b) (n*c)
normalize (V x y z) = (V (x/len) (y/len) (z/len))
                    where len = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)

--Shape definitions
data Shape = Sphere Center Radius Color Texture
           | Plane Surf_norm Position Color deriving Show
type Center  = Vec
type Radius  =  Double
data Color   = RGB !Int !Int !Int deriving Show
data Texture = Solid | Mirrored deriving Show
data Camera  = Cam Position Direction deriving Show
type Position = Vec
type Direction  = Vec
type Ray     = (Vec, Vec)
type Surf_norm = Vec

--Start everything
main = do (width:height:rest) <- getArgs
          let w = read width
          let h = read height
          input <- getContents
          let (cam, shapes) = (parse_text shape_parse input)
          let pos = case (cam) of (Cam p d) -> p 
          putStr $ showPPM w h $ map (\ray-> ray `intersect` shapes)
                                     (map (make_ray pos) $ view_plane w h cam) 

missed = (-1, RGB 0 0 0)

top :: [(Double, Color)] -> (Double, Color)
top ps = if ps==[] then missed else head ps

--vector equation of the ray is P(t) = (Eye-Center) + t*Disp
intersect :: Ray -> [Shape] -> Color
intersect ray@(eye,disp) objects = snd $ top $ fst_sort (map isect objects)
   fst_sort xs = sortBy (\a b->(fst a) `compare` (fst b)) 
                             (filter (\t-> (fst t)>0) xs)
   isect  shape = 
    case (shape) of
         (Sphere center radius color texture) -> 
            if disc >= 0 then closest else missed
                et = eye - center
                a = disp `dot` disp
                b = (et + et) `dot` disp
                c = (et `dot` et) - radius*radius
                disc = b*b - 4*a*c
                t1 = (-b + sqrt(disc))/(2*a)
                t2 = (-b - sqrt(disc))/(2*a)
                small = filter (>0.01) (sort (t1:t2:[]))
                closest = if small == [] 
                            then missed
                            else case (texture) of
                                   Solid    -> (head small,color)
                                   Mirrored -> (head small,recur)
                                       refl_ray = (pierced, r)
                                       r = reflected disp norm
                                       pierced = eye+((head small) `scale` disp)
                                       norm = normalize (pierced - center)
                                       recur = intersect refl_ray objects
         (Plane norm pos color) -> 
            if t >= 0 then (t,c) else missed
                t = (norm `dot` (pos - eye))/(norm `dot` disp)
                (V x y z) = eye + (t `scale` disp)
                c = if ((mod (floor (x/3)) 2) == (mod (floor (y/3)) 2)) then (RGB 0 0 0) else color
reflected :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec  
reflected incident normal = incident - ((2*(incident `dot` normal)) `scale` normal)
make_ray lens_pos film_pt = (lens_pos, ( (lens_pos - film_pt)))

view_plane w h (Cam pos dir@(V a b c)) = map (+ (pos - dir)) arr
           p   = sqrt $ a*a+b*b
           r   = sqrt $ a*a+b*b+c*c
           arr = [(V (x*b/p+y*a*c/p/r) (-x*a/p+y*b*c/p/r) (-y*r/p))| y<-ys, x<-xs]
           xs  = [ -0.5 + x'/(w-1)      | x'<-reverse [0..w-1]]
           ys  = [(-0.5 + y'/(h-1))*h/w | y'<-reverse [0..h-1]]

--PPM specific stuff
showPPM _ _ [] = []
showPPM w h xs = "P6\n" ++ (show (floor w)) ++ " " 
                        ++ (show (floor h)) ++ "\n255\n"
                        ++ concatMap colorize xs

colorize (RGB r g b) = [(chr r),(chr g),(chr b)]

-- Parsing functions
parse_text p input = case (parse p "" input) of
                    Left err -> error $ "Bleech! Invalid input"++ (show err)
                    Right x  -> x
shape_parse = do cam <- camera_parse
                 shapes <- many1 (sphere_parse <|> plane_parse)
                 return (cam, shapes)
camera_parse = 
        do  string "camera"; spaces; char '{'; spaces;
            string "location"; spaces;  loc <- angle_vec;
            string "look_at" ; spaces; look <- angle_vec;
            char '}'; spaces;
            return (Cam loc (normalize $ look - loc))

sphere_parse =   do string "sphere"; spaces; char '{'; spaces
                    center <- angle_vec; char ','; spaces
                    radius <- number; spaces;
                    (color,text) <- parse_texture; spaces; char '}'; spaces;
                    return (Sphere center radius color text)
plane_parse =    do string "plane"; spaces; char '{'; spaces
                    v <- angle_vec; char ','; spaces
                    dist <- number; spaces; 
                    (color,text) <- parse_texture; spaces; char '}'; spaces;
                    return (Plane (normalize v) ((-1*dist) `scale` (normalize v)) color)
parse_texture =  do string "texture"; spaces; char '{'; spaces
                    color <- (try parse_pigment) <|> parse_chrome
                    char '}'; spaces;
                    return color

parse_pigment =  do string "pigment"; spaces; char '{'; spaces;
                    string "color"; spaces; 
                    c <- angle_vec; spaces; char '}'; spaces;
                    return $ (RGB (toColor (c!!!0))
                                  (toColor (c!!!1))
                                  (toColor (c!!!2)), Solid)

parse_chrome =  do string "Chrome"; spaces;
                   return ((RGB 0 0 0), Mirrored)

toColor c | c >= 1.0  = 255
          | c <= 0.0  = 0
          | otherwise = floor $ c * 255

(V a b c) !!! 0 = a 
(V a b c) !!! 1 = b 
(V a b c) !!! 2 = c 

angle_vec = do  char '<';spaces;
                v <- number `sepBy1` (do {spaces;char ',';spaces}); 
                char '>';spaces;
                return (V (v!!0) (v!!1) (v!!2))
number = do sign <- option ' ' (char '-')
            i <- many1 digit
            f <- option "" $ do { p <- char '.'; n <- many1 digit; return (p:n)}
            return $ read $ sign:i ++ f

Content-Type: text/x-perl; name="trace.pl"
Content-Description: trace.pl
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Raytracer
#   Renders a POV-like file (on STDIN) and produces a *.ppm file on STDOUT
#   Uses a right-handed coordinate system 
#   z    y        X increases towards the right 
#    |  /         Y increases going into the monitor
#    | /          Z increases upwards 
#    +---->x
# run: trace.pl 800 600 <test.pov >out.ppm

use strict;

BEGIN { @Plane::ISA = "Shape"; @Sphere::ISA = "Shape" }

package main;

my ($w, $h) = @ARGV; 
my $input = <STDIN>;

my ($cam, @shapes) = parse_text($input);

my $pt_gen = view_plane($w, $h, $cam);
print PPM_preamble($w, $h);

for my $y (reverse 0..($h-1))
    for my $x (reverse 0..($w-1))
        my $film_pt = $pt_gen->($x,$y);
        my $ray     = [$cam->[0], $cam->[0]-$film_pt];

        print Shape::find_color($ray, @shapes);

sub PPM_preamble { "P6\n$_[0] $_[1]\n255\n" }

sub view_plane
    my ($w, $h, $cam) = @_;

    my $pos = $cam->[0];
    my $direction = $cam->[1];

    my ($a, $b, $c) = $direction->components();
    my $p = sqrt($a*$a + $b*$b);
    my $r = sqrt($a*$a + $b*$b + $c*$c);

    return sub {    my $x =  -0.5 + $_[0]/($w-1);
                    my $y = (-0.5 + $_[1]/($h-1)) * $h/$w;
                    Vec->new([( $x*$b/$p + $y*$a*$c/$p/$r),
                              (-$x*$a/$p + $y*$b*$c/$p/$r),
                              (-$y*$r/$p)]) + $pos - $direction }

sub parse_text
    my $input = shift;
    my $cam, my @shapes;
    my $num      = qr/(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*/s;
    my $angle_vec= qr/<$num,\s*$num,\s*$num>\s*/s;
    my $mirrored = qr/(Chrome)\s*/s;
    my $pigment  = qr/pigment\s*{\s*color\s*$angle_vec}\s*|$mirrored/s;
    my $texture  = qr/texture\s*{\s*$pigment}\s*/s;
    my $sphere   = qr/(sphere)\s*{\s*$angle_vec,\s*$num\s+$texture}\s*/s;
    my $plane    = qr/ (plane)\s*{\s*$angle_vec,\s*$num\s+$texture}\s*/xs;
    my $camera   = qr/(camera)\s*{\s*location\s*$angle_vec

    while($input =~ m/$sphere|$plane|$camera/gs)
        no warnings qw(uninitialized);
        if($1 eq "sphere")
            push @shapes, Sphere->new("center" => Vec->new([$2,$3,$4]),
                                      "radius" => $5,
                                      "color"  => toColor($6||0,$7||0,$8||0),
                                      "texture"=> $9 ? "Mirrored":"Solid");
        }elsif ($10 eq "plane")
            my $n = Vec->new([$11,$12,$13])->normalize();
            push @shapes, Plane->new("normal" => $n,
                                     "point"  => -$14 * $n,
                                     "color"  => toColor($15,$16,$17));
        }elsif ($19 eq "camera")
            my $location = Vec->new([$20,$21,$22]);
            my $look_at  = Vec->new([$23,$24,$25]);
               $cam      = [$location, ($look_at-$location)->normalize()];

    return ($cam, @shapes);

sub toColor {   my ($r, $g, $b) = @_;

               ($r>=0 ? ($r<=1.0 ? chr(int($r*255)):chr(255)) : chr(0)) .
               ($g>=0 ? ($g<=1.0 ? chr(int($g*255)):chr(255)) : chr(0)) .
               ($b>=0 ? ($b<=1.0 ? chr(int($b*255)):chr(255)) : chr(0))   }
package Shape;

use overload q("")=> \&stringify;

our @World;
our $missed = [-1, main::toColor(0,0,0)];

sub new {   my $class = shift;
            my $self  = {@_};
            push @World, $self;
            bless $self, $class  }

sub find_color
    my ($ray, @shapes) = @_;
    no warnings qw(numeric);

    my @c;
    push @c, $_->intersect($ray) for (@shapes);
    my @near = sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} grep {$_->[0]>0.001} @c;
    return @near ? $near[0]->[1] : toColor(0,0,0);

sub stringify { my $self = shift;  my $result;
                $result .= "$_=>$self->{$_} " for (keys %$self);
                return $result;  }

package Sphere;
our @ISA = "Shape";

sub intersect
    my $self = shift; my $ray = shift;
    my ($eye, $disp) = @$ray;
    my $center = $self->{"center"};
    my $r = $self->{"radius"};
    my $et = $eye - $center;
    my ($a, $b, $c);
    $a =   $disp->dot($disp);
    $b = 2 * $et->dot($disp);
    $c = $et->dot($et) - $r*$r;

    my $disc = $b*$b - 4*$a*$c;

        my $t1 = (-$b + sqrt($disc))/(2*$a);
        my $t2 = (-$b - sqrt($disc))/(2*$a);
        my @near = sort numerically grep {$_ > 0.001} ($t1,$t2);
            if($self->{"texture"} eq "Solid")
                return [$near[0],$self->{"color"}];
            else #Mirrored
                my $pierced = $eye + ($near[0] * $disp);
                my $normal  = ($pierced - $center)->normalize();
                my $reflect = reflected($disp, $normal);
                my $rray    = [$pierced, $reflect];
                return [$near[0],Shape::find_color($rray,@Shape::World)];
        else { return $Shape::missed; }
    else { return $Shape::missed; }

sub reflected   { my $incident = shift;  my $normal = shift;
                  $incident - (2*$incident->dot($normal))*$normal }

sub numerically { $a <=> $b}

package Plane;
use POSIX qw(floor);
our @ISA = "Shape";

sub intersect
    my $self = shift; my $ray = shift;
    my ($eye, $disp) = @$ray;
    my $n = $self->{"normal"};
    my $pt= $self->{"point" };
    my $c = $self->{"color" };

    my $t = $n->dot($pt-$eye) / $n->dot($disp);
    my ($x, $y, $z) = ($eye + ($t*$disp))->components();
    $c=(floor($x/3)%2 == floor($y/3)%2) ? main::toColor(0,0,0) : $c;
    return $t>0 ? [$t,$c] : $Shape::missed;

package Vec;

use overload '+' => \&vadd,
             '-' => \&vsub,
             '*' => \&scale,
            'abs'=> \&len,
            q("")=> \&stringify;

sub new {   my $inv = shift; 
            my $new = shift or die "no argument to Vec->new\n";
            bless [@$new], "Vec" }

sub vadd {  my $x = shift; my $y = shift;
            Vec->new([ $x->[0] + $y->[0],
                       $x->[1] + $y->[1],
                       $x->[2] + $y->[2] ]) }

sub vsub {  my $x = shift; my $y = shift;
            Vec->new([ $x->[0] - $y->[0],
                       $x->[1] - $y->[1],
                       $x->[2] - $y->[2] ]) }

sub dot {   my $x = shift; my $y = shift;
            $x->[0] * $y->[0] +
            $x->[1] * $y->[1] +
            $x->[2] * $y->[2]   }

sub scale { my $x = shift; my $s = shift;
            Vec->new([ $x->[0] * $s,
                       $x->[1] * $s,
                       $x->[2] * $s ])  }

sub components{ my $x = shift; ($x->[0], $x->[1], $x->[2]) }
sub len       { sqrt($_[0]->dot($_[0])) }
sub normalize { $_[0]->scale(1/$_[0]->len()) }
sub stringify { my $x = shift; "[$x->[0], $x->[1], $x->[2]]" }

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