[Shootout-list] new Clean implementations

Diederik van Arkel dvanarkel@mac.com
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 20:33:37 +0100

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Resending as the original seems to have gotten stuck awaiting 

Included are a few of the missing implementations for Clean. Brent, 
could you
have a look what's going on with the statistics and sum-file benchmarks 
Clean. These used to work so presumably something changed in your Clean 
You might want to have a look at this anyway as all the programs appear 
to be
giving inlining warnings so somethings not quite right. Let me know if 
you need
any help.


Diederik van Arkel

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module mandelbrot

import StdEnv, LanguageShootout

Start world
	# (console, world)	= stdio world
	# width				= argi
	# console			= console <<< "P4\n" <<< width <<< " " <<< width <<< "\n"
	# pbm				= map (makePBM 0 0) (chunk width (fractal (points width width)))
	# pbm				= map toArray pbm
	# console			= seq (map fwrites pbm) console
	# (ok,world)		= fclose console world
	= world

toArray l = {e \\ e <- l}

mandel_iter :: Int
mandel_iter   = 50

points :: Int Int -> [Complex Real]
points width height
	= points` 0.0 0.0
	w	= toReal width
	h	= toReal height
	points` x y
		| x == w
			= points` 0.0 (y+1.0)
		| y == h
			= []
		= [(2.0*x/w - 1.5, 2.0*y/h - 1.0) : points` x (y+1.0)]

fractal :: [Complex Real] -> [Int]
fractal []
	= []
fractal [p:ps]
	= [fractal` (0.0 , 0.0) mandel_iter p : fractal ps]

fractal` :: !(Complex Real) !Int !(Complex Real) -> Int
fractal` z iter c
	| (((r*r) + (i*i)) > limit)	= 0
	| iter == 1			= mandel_iter
	| otherwise			= fractal` z` (iter-1) c
	(r,i)	= z*z+c
	z`		= (r,i)
	limit	= 4.0

makePBM :: Int Int [Int] -> [Char]
makePBM i acc []     = [(toChar (acc * 2^(8-i)))]
makePBM i acc [x:xs] | i==8      = [toChar acc : makePBM 0 0 [x:xs]]
                     | otherwise = makePBM (i+1) n xs
	n = if (x==mandel_iter) (acc*2+1) (acc*2)

chunk :: Int [Int] -> [[Int]]
chunk width [] = []
chunk width c  = [fst split : chunk width (snd split)]
	split = splitAt width c

// Complex

:: Complex a :== (!a,!a)

instance + (Complex a) | + a
	(+) (rl,il) (rr,ir)
		= (rl+rr,il+ir)

instance * (Complex a) | *,+,- a
	(*) (rl,il) (rr,ir)
		= (rl*rr - il*ir, rl*ir + rr*il)

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module n_body

import StdEnv, LanguageShootout

Start world
	# n				= argi
	# nbodies		= size ini_bodies
	# bodies		= offset_momentum nbodies ini_bodies
	# (io,world)	= stdio world
	# (e,bodies)	= energy nbodies bodies
	# io			= io <<< toStringWith 9 e <<< "\n"
	# bodies		= advance n nbodies 0.01 bodies
	# (e,bodies)	= energy nbodies bodies
	# io			= io <<< toStringWith 9 e <<< "\n"
	# (err,world)	= fclose io world
	= world

:: Planet = !
	{ x		:: !Real
	, y 	:: !Real
	, z 	:: !Real
	, vx	:: !Real
	, vy	:: !Real
	, vz	:: !Real
	, mass	:: !Real

dummy :: *Planet
dummy =
	{ x		= 0.0
	, y		= 0.0
	, z		= 0.0
	, vx	= 0.0
	, vy	= 0.0
	, vz	= 0.0
	, mass	= 0.0

pi				:== 3.141592653589793
solar_mass		=: 4.0 * pi * pi
days_per_year	:== 365.24

advance :: !Int !Int !Real !*{!*Planet} -> *{!*Planet}
advance n nbodies dt bodies
	| n == 0
		= bodies
	= advance_ n nbodies dt bodies dummy dummy
	advance_ :: !Int !Int !Real !*{!*Planet} !*Planet !*Planet-> *{!*Planet}
	advance_ n nbodies dt bodies dummy1 dummy2
		| n == 0
			= bodies
		#! (dummy1,dummy2,bodies)	= advance1 0 1 dt bodies dummy1 dummy2 nbodies
		   (dummy1,bodies)			= advance2 0 dt bodies dummy1 nbodies
		= advance_ (n-1) nbodies dt bodies dummy1 dummy2

	advance1 :: !Int !Int !Real !*{!*Planet} !*Planet !*Planet !Int -> (!*Planet,!*Planet,!*{!*Planet})
	advance1 i j dt bodies dummy1 dummy2 nbodies
		#! (b1,bodies)	= replace bodies i dummy1
		#! (b2,bodies)	= replace bodies j dummy2
		= advance1_ i j dt bodies b1 b2 nbodies

	advance1_ :: !Int !Int !Real !*{!*Planet} !*Planet !*Planet !Int -> (!*Planet,!*Planet,!*{!*Planet})
	advance1_ i j dt bodies b1=:{x=x1,y=y1,z=z1,vx=vx1,vy=vy1,vz=vz1,mass=mass1} b2=:{x=x2,y=y2,z=z2,vx=vx2,vy=vy2,vz=vz2,mass=mass2} nbodies
		#! dx			= x1 - x2
		   dy			= y1 - y2
		   dz			= z1 - z2
		   distance2	= dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
		   distance		= sqrt distance2
		   mag			= dt / (distance2 * distance)
		   mm1			= mass1 * mag
		   mm2			= mass2 * mag
		   vx1`			= vx1 - dx * mm2
		   vy1`			= vy1 - dy * mm2
		   vz1`			= vz1 - dz * mm2
		   vx2`			= vx2 + dx * mm1
		   vy2`			= vy2 + dy * mm1
		   vz2`			= vz2 + dz * mm1
		   b1			= {b1 & vx = vx1`, vy = vy1`, vz = vz1`}
		   b2			= {b2 & vx = vx2`, vy = vy2`, vz = vz2`}
		   (dummy1,bodies)	= replace bodies i b1
		   (dummy2,bodies)	= replace bodies j b2

		#! j			= j + 1
		| j == nbodies
			#! i		= i + 1
			   j		= i + 1
			| i == nbodies
				= (dummy1,dummy2,bodies)
			| j == nbodies
				= (dummy1,dummy2,bodies)
			#! (b1,bodies)	= replace bodies i dummy1
			#! (b2,bodies)	= replace bodies j dummy2
			= advance1_ i j dt bodies b1 b2 nbodies
		#! (b1,bodies)	= replace bodies i dummy1
		#! (b2,bodies)	= replace bodies j dummy2
		= advance1_ i j dt bodies b1 b2 nbodies
	advance2 :: !Int !Real !*{!*Planet} !*Planet !Int -> (!*Planet,!*{!*Planet})
	advance2 i dt bodies dummy nbodies
		# (b,bodies)		= replace bodies i dummy
		= advance2_ i dt bodies b nbodies

	advance2_ :: !Int !Real !*{!*Planet} !*Planet !Int -> (!*Planet,!*{!*Planet})
	advance2_ i dt bodies b=:{x,y,z,vx,vy,vz} nbodies
		#! b				= {b & x = x + dt*vx, y = y + dt*vy, z = z + dt*vz}
		#! (dummy,bodies)	= replace bodies i b
		#! i				= i + 1
		| i == nbodies
			= (dummy,bodies)
		# (b,bodies)		= replace bodies i dummy
		= advance2_ i dt bodies b nbodies

energy :: !Int !*{!*Planet} -> (!Real,!*{!*Planet})
energy nbodies bodies
	# e				= 0.0
	# (e,bodies)	= seq [energy1 i \\ i <- [0..nbodies-1]] (e,bodies)
	= (e,bodies)
	energy1 :: !Int !(!Real,!*{!*Planet}) -> (!Real,!*{!*Planet})
	energy1 i (e,bodies)
		#!	(b1,bodies)		= bodies![i]
		 	e				= e + 0.5 * b1.mass * (b1.vx * b1.vx + b1.vy*b1.vy + b1.vz*b1.vz)
		 	(e,bodies)		= seq [energy2 i j \\ j <- [i+1..nbodies-1]] (e,bodies)
		= (e,bodies)
	energy2 :: !Int !Int !(!Real,!*{!*Planet}) -> (!Real,!*{!*Planet})
	energy2 i j (e,bodies)
		#!	(b1,bodies)		= bodies![i]
			(b2,bodies)		= bodies![j]
			dx				= b1.x - b2.x
			dy				= b1.y - b2.y
			dz				= b1.z - b2.z
		 	distance2		= dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
		 	distance		= sqrt distance2
			e				= e - (b1.mass * b2.mass) / distance
		= (e,bodies)

offset_momentum :: !Int !*{!*Planet} -> *{!*Planet}
offset_momentum nbodies bodies
	#!	px			= sum [body.vx * body.mass \\ body <-: bodies]
		py			= sum [body.vy * body.mass \\ body <-: bodies]
		pz			= sum [body.vz * body.mass \\ body <-: bodies]
		(b0,bodies)	= bodies![0]
		b0			= {b0 & vx =  ~ px / solar_mass
					, vy = ~ py / solar_mass
					, vz = ~ pz / solar_mass
		bodies		= {bodies & [0] = b0}
	= bodies

ini_bodies :: *{!*Planet}
ini_bodies =
	{ sun, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune }

sun =
	{ x		= 0.0
	, y		= 0.0
	, z		= 0.0
	, vx	= 0.0
	, vy	= 0.0
	, vz	= 0.0
	, mass	= solar_mass

jupiter =
	{ x		=  4.84143144246472090E+00
	, y		= -1.16032004402742839E+00
	, z		= -1.03622044471123109E-01
	, vx	=  1.66007664274403694E-03 * days_per_year
	, vy	=  7.69901118419740425E-03 * days_per_year
	, vz	= -6.90460016972063023E-05 * days_per_year
	, mass	=  9.54791938424326609E-04 * solar_mass

saturn =
	{ x		=  8.34336671824457987E+00
	, y		=  4.12479856412430479E+00
	, z		= -4.03523417114321381E-01
	, vx	= -2.76742510726862411E-03 * days_per_year
	, vy	=  4.99852801234917238E-03 * days_per_year
	, vz	=  2.30417297573763929E-05 * days_per_year
	, mass	=  2.85885980666130812E-04 * solar_mass

uranus =
	{ x		=  1.28943695621391310E+01
	, y		= -1.51111514016986312E+01
	, z		= -2.23307578892655734E-01
	, vx	=  2.96460137564761618E-03 * days_per_year
	, vy	=  2.37847173959480950E-03 * days_per_year
	, vz	= -2.96589568540237556E-05 * days_per_year
	, mass	=  4.36624404335156298E-05 * solar_mass

neptune =
	{ x		=  1.53796971148509165E+01
	, y		= -2.59193146099879641E+01
	, z		=  1.79258772950371181E-01
	, vx	=  2.68067772490389322E-03 * days_per_year
	, vy	=  1.62824170038242295E-03 * days_per_year
	, vz	= -9.51592254519715870E-05 * days_per_year
	, mass	=  5.15138902046611451E-05 * solar_mass

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module nsieve

import StdEnv, LanguageShootout

Start world
	# n				= argi
	# (io,world)	= stdio world
	# io			= sieve n io
	# io			= sieve (n-1) io
	# io			= sieve (n-2) io
	# (err,world)	= fclose io world
	= world

sieve n io
	# m		= (1 << n) * 10000
	  arr	= createArray (m+1) True
	  c		= loop arr m 2 0
	= io <<< "Primes up to " <<< fmt 8 m <<< " " <<< fmt 8 c <<< "\n"

fmt width i
	# is	= toString i
	= toString (repeatn (width - size is) ' ') +++ is

loop :: !*{#Bool} !Int !Int !Int -> Int
loop arr m n c
	| n == m
		= c
	# el	= arr.[n]
	| el
		# arr	= update` arr (n+n)
		= loop arr m (n+1) (c+1)
	= loop arr m (n+1) c
	update` :: !*{#Bool} !Int -> *{#Bool}
	update` arr i
		| i <= m
			#! arr	= {arr & [i] = False}
			= update` arr (i+n)
		= arr

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module nsieve

import StdEnv, LanguageShootout

Start world
	# n				= argi
	# (io,world)	= stdio world
	# io			= sieve n io
	# io			= sieve (n-1) io
	# io			= sieve (n-2) io
	# (err,world)	= fclose io world
	= world

sieve n io
	# m		= (1 << n) * 10000
	  arr	= createArray (m+1) True
	  c		= loop arr m 2 0
	= io <<< "Primes up to " <<< fmt 8 m <<< " " <<< fmt 8 c <<< "\n"

fmt width i
	# is	= toString i
	= toString (repeatn (width - size is) ' ') +++ is

loop :: !*{#Bool} !Int !Int !Int -> Int
loop arr m n c
	| n == m
		= c
	# el	= arr.[n]
	| el
		# arr	= update` arr (n+n)
		= loop arr m (n+1) (c+1)
	= loop arr m (n+1) c
	update` :: !*{#Bool} !Int -> *{#Bool}
	update` arr i
		| i <= m
			#! arr	= {arr & [i] = False}
			= update` arr (i+n)
		= arr

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module pidigits

import StdEnv, LanguageShootout, BigInt

Start world
	# n				= argi
	# (io,world)	= stdio world
	# io			= digit 1 (toBigInt 1,toBigInt 0,toBigInt 0,toBigInt 1) n 0 0 io
	# (err,world)	= fclose io world
	= world

digit :: Int (BigInt,BigInt,BigInt,BigInt) Int Int Int *File -> *File
digit k z 0 row col io
	= io <<< toString (repeatn (10-col) ' ') <<< "\t:" <<< (row+col) <<< "\n"
digit k z n row col io
	| safe z y
		| col == 10
			# row`	= row + 10
			# io	= io <<< "\t:" <<< row` <<< "\n" <<< toString y
			= digit k (prod z y) (n-1) row` 1 io
		# io	= io <<< toString y
		= digit k (prod z y) (n-1) row (col+1) io
	= digit (k+1) (cons z k) n row col io
	y = next z
	prod z n = comp (toBigInt 10,toBigInt -10 * n, toBigInt 0, toBigInt 1) z

floor_ev :: (BigInt,BigInt,BigInt,BigInt) BigInt -> BigInt
floor_ev (q, r, s, t) x = (q*x + r) / (s*x + t)
comp :: (BigInt,BigInt,BigInt,BigInt) (BigInt,BigInt,BigInt,BigInt) -> (BigInt,BigInt,BigInt,BigInt)
comp (q,r,s,t) (q`,r`,s`,t`) = (q*q` + r*s`, q*r` + r*t`, s*q` + t*s`, s*r` + t*t`)
next :: (BigInt,BigInt,BigInt,BigInt) -> BigInt
next z = floor_ev z (toBigInt 3)

safe z n = n == floor_ev z (toBigInt 4)
cons z k = let den = 2*k+1 in comp z (toBigInt k, toBigInt (2*den), toBigInt 0, toBigInt den)
