[Shootout-list] Tcl: tcp-echo

Randy Melton rmelton@atmel.com
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 15:27:56 -0500

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I posted a similar one yesterday that was held up in moderation.

While I like yours a little better, My prior attempt clocks in slightly faster on my system.
Maybe the fake fork vs the pipe?
or setting the io to buffered and setting buffer size?

Randy Melton

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tcp-echo.tcl"


set M               6400 ;# multiplier
set port           11000
set host
set REPLY_SIZE        64
set reply             [string repeat "*" $REPLY_SIZE]
set REQUEST_SIZE      64
set request           [string repeat "*" $REQUEST_SIZE]

proc setupServer {channel address port} {
   fconfigure $channel -buffersize $::REQUEST_SIZE -encoding binary
   while {[read $channel $::REQUEST_SIZE] != {}} {
      puts -nonewline $channel $::reply ;# flush $channel

proc client {n} {
   set bytes   0
   set replies 0
   while {[catch {set channel [socket $::host $::port]}]} {}
   fconfigure $channel -buffersize $::REQUEST_SIZE -encoding binary
   while {$n} {
      puts -nonewline $channel $::request;
      set reply [read $channel $::REPLY_SIZE]
      incr bytes [string length $reply]
      incr replies
      incr n -1
   puts stdout "replies: $replies  bytes: $bytes"

## Fake a fork by execing ourselves
if {[llength $argv] == 0} { # no args, so assume I am a server
   socket -server setupServer $port   
   set forever 1
   vwait forever
} elseif {[llength $argv] == 1} {
   exec $argv0 &
   set n [expr {[lindex $argv 0] * $M}]
   client $n
} else {puts stdout "Usage: $argv0 N - where N is number of itterations"}
## Local Variables:
## mode: tcl
## tcl-indent-level: 3
## indent-tabs-mode: nil
## End:
