[Shootout-list] Clean reverse-complement

Diederik van Arkel dvanarkel@mac.com
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:13:29 +0100

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A Clean version of the reverse-complement benchmark.


Diederik van Arkel

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// The Great Computer Language Shootout
// http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
// contributed by Diederik van Arkel

module revcomp

import StdEnv, LanguageShootout

Start world
	# (io,world)	= stdio world
	# io			= process io
	# (err,world)	= fclose io world
	= world

process :: !*File -> *File
process io
	#! (line, io) = freadline io
	| size line == 0
		= io
	| line.[0] == '>'
		# io		= io <<< line
		= extract io []
	= process io

extract :: !*File ![*String] -> *File
extract io ls
	#! (line, io) = freadline io
	| size line > 0
		| line.[0] == '>'
			# io		= write (revcomp ls) io
			# io		= io <<< line
			= extract io []
		| line.[0] == ';'
			= extract io ls
		= extract io [line:ls]
	= write (revcomp ls) io

revcomp l
	# l = reverse l
	# s	= concat_strip l
	= build s

concat_strip :: ![String] -> .String
concat_strip l
	# s = sizelist l
	# a = createArray s ' '
	= copylist l a 0
	sizelist [] = 0
	sizelist [h:t] = size h - 1 + sizelist t
	copylist :: ![String] !*String !Int -> .String
	copylist [] a i = a
	copylist [h:t] a i
		# (i,a) = scopy (size h - 1) i 0 a h
		= copylist t a i

scopy ::
	!Int		// end of copy source index
	!Int		// current target index
	!Int		// current source index
	!*{#Char}	// target string
	!{#Char}	// source string
	-> (!Int,!.{#Char})
scopy n i j s h
	| j >= n = (i,s)
	#! s = {s & [i] = h.[j]}
	= scopy n (i+1) (j+1) s h

build :: !*String -> .String
build iub
	#! e	= size iub - 1
	= build iub 0 e
	build :: !*String !Int !Int -> .String
	build iub b e
		| b >= e
			= iub
		#! cb	= iub.[b]
		   ce	= iub.[e]
		   iub	= {iub & [b] = complement ce}
		   iub	= {iub & [e] = complement cb}
		= build iub (b+1) (e-1)

complement :: !Char -> Char
complement c
	= complementArray.[toInt c]

complementArray =: buildComplement
	buildComplement :: String
//		# a	= {c \\ c <- ['\x0'..'\xFF']}
		# a = {toChar i \\ i <- [0..255]}
		= build pairs a
	build [] a = a
	build [(f,t):ps] a
		# a = { a & [toInt f] = t
				  , [toInt t] = f
				  , [toInt (toLower f)] = t
				  , [toInt (toLower t)] = f
		= build ps a
	pairs = [('A','T')

write s io
	= write s 0 io
	e	= size s
	write :: !String !Int !*File -> *File
	write s b io
		| b >= e
			= io
		= (fwritesubstring b (b+60) s io) <<< '\n'
