[Shootout-list] Clean fasta

Diederik van Arkel dvanarkel@mac.com
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:13:10 +0100

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A Clean implementation of the fasta benchmark.


Diederik van Arkel

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// The Great Computer Language Shootout
// http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
// contributed by Diederik van Arkel

module fasta

import StdEnv, LanguageShootout, StdStrictLists, StdOverloadedList

Start world
	# n				= argi
	# (io,world)	= stdio world
	# rng			= makeRandomGenerator 42
	# io			= makeRepeatFasta "ONE" "Homo sapiens alu" (n*2) io
	# (rng,io)		= makeRandomFasta "TWO" "IUB ambiguity codes" iub (n*3) rng io
	# (rng,io)		= makeRandomFasta "THREE" "Homo sapiens frequency" homosapiens (n*5) rng io
	# (err,world)	= fclose io world
	= world

alu =:

:: IUB =
	{ c		:: !Char
	, p		:: !Real

:: Table	:== {!IUB}

makeCumulative :: !*Table -> .Table
makeCumulative table
	#! maxi	= size table
	= update_c 0.0 0 maxi table
	update_c prob i maxi table
		| i >= maxi
			= table
		#! tbl		= table.[i]
		#! prob		= prob + tbl.p
		#! table	= {table & [i] = {tbl & p = prob}}
		= update_c prob (i+1) maxi table

iub =
	{{ c = 'a', p = 0.27 }
	,{ c = 'c', p = 0.12 }
	,{ c = 'g', p = 0.12 }
	,{ c = 't', p = 0.27 }
	,{ c = 'B', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'D', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'H', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'K', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'M', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'N', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'R', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'S', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'V', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'W', p = 0.02 }
	,{ c = 'Y', p = 0.02 }

homosapiens =
	{{ c = 'a', p = 0.3029549426680 }
	,{ c = 'c', p = 0.1979883004921 }
	,{ c = 'g', p = 0.1975473066391 }
	,{ c = 't', p = 0.3015094502008 }

makeRepeatFasta :: !String !String !Int !*File -> *File
makeRepeatFasta id desc n io
	# io	= io <<< ">" <<< id <<< " " <<< desc <<< "\n"
	= repeat n 0 io
	length	= 60
	kn		= size alu

	repeat :: !Int !Int !*File -> *File
	repeat todo k io
		| todo <= 0
			= io
		# m			= min todo length
		# (k,io)	= write 0 k m io
		= repeat (todo - length) k io
	write :: !Int !Int !Int !*File -> (!Int,!*File)
	write j k m io
		| j >= m
			= (k,io <<< "\n")
		| k >= kn
			= write j 0 m io
		# io	= io <<< alu.[k]
		= write (j+1) (k+1) m io

makeRandomFasta :: !String !String !*Table !Int !RNG !*File -> (!RNG,!*File)
makeRandomFasta id desc table n rng io
	# io	= io <<< ">" <<< id <<< " " <<< desc <<< "\n"
	# table	= makeCumulative table
	= repeat n table rng io
	length	= 60

	repeat :: !Int !Table !RNG !*File -> (!RNG,!*File)
	repeat todo table rng io
		| todo <= 0
			= (rng,io)
		# m					= min todo length
		# (rng,s)			= write 0 m rng [!!]
		# io				= io <<< s
		= repeat (todo - length) table rng io
		write :: !Int !Int !RNG ![!Char!] -> (!RNG,!String)
		write j m rng s
			| j >= m
				= (rng,revlist2string [!'\n':s!])
			# (rval,rng)	= genRandom 1.0 rng
			# c				= find 0 rval
			= write (j+1) m rng [!c:s!]

		find :: !Int !Real -> Char
		find k rval
			# iub	= table.[k]
			| iub.p < rval
				= find (k+1) rval
			= iub.c

toArray :: ![!Char!] -> String
toArray l
	= {c \\ c <|- l}

revlist2string :: ![!Char!] -> .String
revlist2string l
	# s	= length l
	# a = createArray s '@'
	= fillArray (s-1) l a
	fillArray :: !Int ![!Char!] !*String -> .String
	fillArray i [!!] a
		= a
	fillArray i [!c:l!] a
		= fillArray (i-1) l {a & [i] = c}

// adapted from 'random' shootout

:: RNG	:== Int

makeRandomGenerator :: !Int -> RNG
makeRandomGenerator seed
	= seed

genRandom :: !Real !RNG -> (!Real,!RNG)
genRandom max seed
	= (newran,newseed)
	newseed = (seed * ia + ic) rem im
	newran =  max * toReal newseed / imd

im :== 139968
ia :== 3877
ic :== 29573
imd :== toReal im
