[Shootout-list] f95 count-words program mk 3

Simon Geard simon@whiteowl.co.uk
Sat, 26 Mar 2005 12:38:45 +0000

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My post of last night seems not to have appeared on the list so I'm 
reposting with some minor updates that make the code clean and readable.

Attached is the tidied version of the count-words program I submitted 
the other day. I've moved the string handling code into a string module 
to make the main code cleaner. For the intel compiler the correct 
compilation line is

ifort string.f90 count-words.f90 -O3 -static-libcxa -o count-words

but this might not be true of g95 which I think you're linking to as well.

I have tested this against the c++ version and the output is identical 
so I'm not sure why the current version is showing an error. My command 
line is

./count-words < datafile

If there is still an error perhaps you could mail me the command line 
you're using and the result you're getting so that I can diagnose the 



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! The Great Computer Language Shootout
! http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
! contributed by Simon Geard, 25/03/2005
! ifort string.f90 count-words.f90 -O3 -static-libcxa -o count-words
! $Id: count-words.f90,v 1.4 2005/03/26 12:25:46 simon Exp $ ; $Name:  $
program countWords
  use string
  implicit none

  type(str) :: line
  integer :: nlines = 0 ! Line counter
  integer :: nwords = 0 ! Word counter
  integer :: nchars = 0 ! Char counter
  logical :: finished

  ! Read and count
  readFile: do
     call getLine(line, finished)
     if (finished) exit readFile
     nlines = nlines + 1
     nwords = nwords + numWords(line)
     nchars = nchars + numChars(line)
  end do readFile
  nchars = nchars + nlines ! Have to add the number lines
  write(*,'(2(i0,a),i0)') nlines, ' ', nwords, ' ', nchars

end program countWords

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! The Great Computer Language Shootout
! http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
! contributed by Simon Geard, 25/03/2005
! A string module to do some basic string manipulaions. Much smaller
! that the iso_varying_string module so hopefully people will be able
! to see what's going on more easily.
! $Id: string.f90,v 1.6 2005/03/26 12:33:32 simon Exp $ ; $Name:  $
module string

  integer, parameter, private :: rsize = 64
  type str
     ! A string type that is dynamically allocatable
     character(len=rsize), dimension(:), allocatable :: s
     integer :: nblocks  ! The number of blocks of size rsize required for the string
     integer :: nchars   ! The number of chars
  end type str

  interface assignment(=)
     module procedure assign_str_str
  end interface


  subroutine assign_str_str(to, from)
    type(str), intent(out) :: to
    type(str), intent(in)  :: from
    to%s = from%s
    to%nblocks = from%nblocks
    to%nchars = from%nchars
  end subroutine assign_str_str
  integer function numWords(rline)
    ! Count the number of words
    type(str), intent(in), target :: rline

    integer, parameter :: tab = 9
    integer, parameter :: space = 32

    integer :: i, j, ng
    logical :: ingap, started
    character(len=rsize), pointer :: line
    integer, pointer              :: bline

    ingap = .false.
    ng = 0
    started = .false.

    ! Search in the 1st block
    bline => rline%nblocks
    if (bline == 0) then
       numWords = 0
    end if
    line => rline%s(1)
    do i=1,len(line)
       if (.not. started) then
          started = (line(i:i) /= ' ')

       elseif ( .not. ingap .and. (line(i:i) .eq. ' ' .or. line(i:i) .eq. achar(tab))) then
          ng = ng + 1
          ingap = .true.

       elseif (ingap .and. ischar(line(i:i))) then
          ingap = .false.

       end if
    end do
    if (bline == 1) then
       if (ingap) ng = ng - 1
       numWords = ng + 1
    end if

    ! Do the next n-2 blocks
    do j=2,bline-1
       line => rline%s(j)
       do i=1,len(line)
          if (.not. started) then
             started = (line(i:i) /= ' ')

          elseif (.not. ingap .and. (line(i:i) .eq. ' ' .or. line(i:i) .eq. achar(tab))) then
             ng = ng + 1
             ingap = .true.

          elseif (ingap .and. ischar(line(i:i))) then
             ingap = .false.
          end if
       end do
    end do

    ! Do the last block
    line =>rline%s(bline)
    do i=1,len(trim(line))
       if (.not. started) then
          started = (line(i:i) /= ' ')

       elseif (.not. ingap .and. (line(i:i) .eq. ' ' .or. line(i:i) .eq. achar(tab))) then
          ng = ng + 1
          ingap = .true.

       else if (ingap .and. ischar(line(i:i))) then
          ingap = .false.
       end if
    end do
    numWords = ng + 1

    pure logical function ischar(c)
      character, intent(in) :: c
      ischar = (iachar(c) > 32 .and. iachar(c) < 127)
    end function ischar

  end function numWords

  ! Return the number of chars in the string
  pure integer function numChars(line)
    type(str), intent(in) :: line
    numChars = line%nchars
  end function numChars

  ! Diagnostic print  procedure (not used)
  subroutine print(line)
    type(str), intent(in) :: line
    integer :: i
    write(*,'(i0,a)',advance='no') line%nblocks,' '
    do i=1,line%nblocks-1
       write(*,'(a)',advance='no') line%s(i)
    end do
    write(*,'(a)',advance='yes') line%s(line%nblocks)
  end subroutine print

  ! Get a line from stdin as a str
  subroutine getLine(rline, finished)
    type(str), intent(out) :: rline      ! a str object containing the whole line
    logical, intent(out)   :: finished   ! .true. when there is no more input

    integer                :: nread
    type(str)              :: work
    character(len=rsize)   :: str_blk

    allocate(rline%s(4096/rsize)) ! Allocate 4096 chars for the line (max allowed)
    rline%nblocks = 0
    rline%nchars = 0
    readLine: do
       rline%nblocks = rline%nblocks+1
       read(5,fmt='(a)',end=100,eor=10,size=nread,advance='no') str_blk
       if (rline%nblocks > size(rline%s)) then
          call enlargeLine
       end if
       rline%s(rline%nblocks) = str_blk(1:nread)
       rline%nchars = rline%nchars + nread
    end do readLine
10  continue
    if (rline%nblocks > size(rline%s)) then
       call enlargeLine
    end if
    rline%nchars = rline%nchars + nread
    if (nread == 0) then
       rline%nblocks = rline%nblocks - 1
       rline%s(rline%nblocks) = str_blk(1:nread)
    end if
    finished = .false.
100 continue
    finished = .true.


    subroutine enlargeLine
      ! Allocate more memory for a line if requested
      work = rline
      rline = work
    end subroutine enlargeLine
  end subroutine getLine

end module string
