[Shootout-list] Ray tracer developments

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Mon, 02 May 2005 09:48:19 +0200

Sebastien Loisel wrote:
> * On the proportion of floating point code and the 25 test limit
> If there's going to be some sort of decision that 5 programs (say) and
> only 5 programs are allowed in the FP category then I would like to be
> for n-body. If we have such a budget, I would like to know it, and
> then I would like to reallocate this tight budget as efficiently as
> possible to the highest quality test possible.

you are not alone in making such a wish. i too would very much like to 
know if there is a limit to the number of tests in the shootout, and if 
there is a limit to the number of tests in a category of tests.

if there is a limit this seems like yet another reason to have 
categories. it would be very complicated to explain that we have enough 
tests of as certain type/set/category, but not have type/set/category.
