[Shootout-list] Is anyone out there?

Einar Karttunen ekarttun@cs.helsinki.fi
Thu, 12 May 2005 09:21:55 +0300

Brent Fulgham <bfulg@pacbell.net> writes:
> I suppose we could set it up so that it expects to
> find three files for each solution:
> 1.  The main implementation
> 2.  A Lexer
> 3.  A yacc/bison rule set.
> These files would then be built by the respective
> programs for that language implementation.

Sorry for a reply to an old thread - just catching backlog up.
I just want to remind that most language implementations will
have their own equivalents of lex/yacc - which means a non-trivial
number of programs installed. Would it not be possible to 
use a minimal scanf-based implementation and a simple input 

- Einar Karttunen