[[Shootout-list] important facts i can not find

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Tue, 17 May 2005 08:57:00 +0200

it is normally not considered the best of style to answer ones own 
questions, but since those that know the answers have not, i will do it 

shortest allowed time for a test: 0.01 seconds
max allowed time for a test: 448 seconds

in my book the max time is very generous. if there is a problem with 
getting all tests run in a predetermined time i suggest that it is 
possible to lower this without hurting the reputation of the shootout.

on my computer the shortest time is very unrealiable (it is the 
granularity of the time). i hope that the shootout computer can reliably 
measure sub milliseconds, otherwise 0.01 seconds is too short.
