[Shootout-list] Yes! Re: Dual CPU machine?

Shae Matijs Erisson shae@ScannedInAvian.com
Fri, 20 May 2005 00:14:11 +0200

Greg Buchholz <sleepingsquirrel@yahoo.com> writes:

>     This is mostly just talking off the top of my head, but I wonder if there
> are enough people out there who would like to see a multiprocessor version of
> the shootout.  If there were 10 or so people interested in putting up $20 we
> might be able to snag a dual 300-500MHz system off of ebay.  Would such a
> slow machine still make it worthwhile?  Of course, this ignores the details
> like where it would reside, who would maintain it, etc.

My desktop is a two cpu 1544MHz Athlon MP, so I'm very interested.

With the sudden upsurge of multi-core CPUs, I think lots of people will soon be
interested in this.  Can multiple CPUs can be simulated with User Mode Linux or
something similar?

For me, the most interesting benchmark would be "scaling". 
It would test to see how well a benchmark implementation scales from one cpu up
to thirty two cpus.
It seems I've been living two lives. One life is a self-employed web developer
In the other life, I'm shapr, functional programmer.  | www.ScannedInAvian.com
One of these lives has futures (and subcontinuations!)|  --Shae Matijs Erisson