[Shootout-list] Directions of various benchmarks

John Skaller skaller@users.sourceforge.net
Sat, 21 May 2005 19:35:22 +1000

On Sat, 2005-05-21 at 00:01 -0700, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> --- John Skaller <skaller@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> > He is ALSO free to suggest changes to the Shootout.
> And no one has prevented him making the same suggestions over and over
> again - I have pointed out that we've asked everyone to use the feature
> request tracker and the bug tracker and the program contribution
> tracker. 

Agreed. But the tone of your reply basically suggested
he should just get lost.

> > Making the kind of comment you just did invites angry breaches
> > of 'Netiquette'. 
> So if I malign someone it's their fault? Interesting.

No, the point is that it is YOU who is often being
rude, but hiding behind language where that is not
explicitly worded. Such as your reply to Bengt.

He pointed out you were simply telling him something
he already knew .. he was free to go do his own thing.

So behind your ostensibly polite words you were telling
him to get lost. Instead of giving him CVS write access
so he could actually contribute something, which he would
clearly like to.

> > You're acting like you're the owner and originator of the project and
> > do not desire anyone else to contribute to it.
> I certainly have a notion of how broad this project is, how many
> different people are involved in it, and how few of their voices are
> heard on this mailing list.


> I'll be delighted when we have installable build&measurement scripts
> and anyone can build the Shootout on their own machine. I want
> thousands to contribute their own Shootout websites.

Well, are you willing to help me do that? I now have a fast
machine with plenty of free disk space --- running Ubuntu
which is Debian based, though not exactly Debian ..

Last time I tried to build the Shootout, it was necessary
to have *all* the translators installed. Is that still true?
I would like to get it running with a subset first.
Also I was unable to get some Perl modules with matching
C libraries.

John Skaller, skaller at users.sf.net
PO Box 401 Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia Ph:61-2-96600850 
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