[Shootout-list] Missing programs and score calculation (Was:
Re:TinyCC and Io)
Isaac Gouy
igouy2 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 17 00:06:19 UTC 2005
--- Jon Harrop <jon at ffconsultancy.com> wrote:
> > There is absolutely nothing stopping you or anyone else from
> > rectifying this by submitting 'better' code and I suspect that some
> > people spend a lot of time 'tuning' some benchmarks for their
> > favorite language.
> No, there _are_ things "stopping you or anyone else from rectifying
> this by submitting 'better' code". Skaller and I have both submitted
> code (Skaller even submitted a language!) only to have it ignored,
> rejected for no reason or accepted and then deleted a little while
> later.
Jon, you may not have liked them but reasons were given.
Jack Andrews is actually working on something closer to what Jon Harrop
and John Skaller have repeatedly advocated on this mailing-list.
Here's the URL
> I've had my access to the shootout revoked so I can't upload my
> submissions myself.
And (lest he feel the need to mention it again) John Skaller offered to
work on Shootout but he wasn't given access.
So it was months ago, and so it remains.
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