[Shootout-list] [Slightly Off Topic] Request for Hardware, Status, Etc.

Brent Fulgham bfulg at pacbell.net
Thu Sep 22 06:19:01 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

=== Pathetic Plea =====
I've pretty much got the shootout box up and running again.  However,  
the ancient mini-tower (complete with scuffs, smudges, scorched  
surfaces) has been deemed to "ugly" to live in the remodeled family  
room (i.e., my former office).  This means I have to sneak it out of  
my closet under cover of darkness, fire it up, run samples overnight,  
then put it away before any "company" shows up to be shocked by the  

Consequently, I have purchased a somewhat costly new "media style"  
case so it can hide amongst the other electronic things in the room.   
However, I'm trying to locate a Linux-compatible 802.11g PCI card  
since (of course) no network cabling is on that side of the room (nor  
will the "architectural review board" permit me to run any exposed  

Since I sometimes If anyone on this list has a working PCI card they  
are looking to donate (or perhaps sell as a used item) I would  
appreciate it if you could let me know.

As soon as the new case arrives, I'll have the box permanently  
located near my development machine and so forth, and can just run a  
long cable from time-to-time to get updates.  Real-time updates will  
commence again once I get my hands on a wireless NIC.
=== End Plea ===

Thanks to everyone for being patient during the marathon renovation.   
I've posted new updates, though we will have a bit of "noise" as we  
correct build problems.  I have fixed a long-running annoyance, which  
was simultaneous runs smashing into each other.  Sometimes, a build  
will take more than 24 hours, and 'cron' would fire off another run.   
If it happened to catch up, we could get false failures if (for  
example) 'fasta.gcc' was running on both build processes, with one  
using N=100, the other using N=200.  This is now fixed.

We should have a stable set of results after this weekend, following  
which I would recommend people start checking the failed programs for  
"real" errors.  I still need to update the Intel Fortran and C++  

Finally, if any list readers happen to be in the Santa Barbara/ 
Ventura County area, and are looking for work please e-mail me off list.

- -Brent
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Darwin)


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