[Simple-cdd-devel] Using profiles for partitioning

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at freegeek.org
Fri Nov 6 18:08:59 UTC 2009

On Fri, Nov 06, 2009 at 11:05:43AM +0200, Stas Miasnikou wrote:
> I need to support 3 partitioning schemes on the image, and I don't want  
> to build own d-i.  The question is: is it possible to force user to  
> select on and only one profile, 

the simple-cdd/profiles question is a multiselect.

it *might* be possible to change it to a select in simple-cdd.templates as well
as any preseeding for the appropriate question, but i don't know that anyone's
ever tried.

> and what will happen if someone select  
> 2+ profiles? Will their *.preseed merge?

the preseeding files are loaded sequentially, so the last profile to load
values for a given debconf question will take priority. i think the order is
alphanumeric, but it may vary depending on your locale settings.

live well,

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