[Simple-cdd-devel] Attn: Email ID owner/ Beneficiary,

Alliancenet.org claim.dept at handbag.com
Thu Nov 26 14:31:41 UTC 2009

Attn: Email ID owner/ Beneficiary,

This is to bring to your notice that you email ID has won you the sum of One Million Five hundred thousand- (1.500.000.00 Euro) 
Your email ID attached to Batch nr: SPYU6868, Ref.nr: 5687SPL876; was picked by an automated computerized random ballot 
system for the promotion of Internet awareness globally.  

For more details, Contact: Dr. Mike Mejia. 
Tel: +31- 647 269 378.
Fax: +31- 847 549 511.
Email: staatclaims06 at aol.com

Forward your Wining Info.to the above mentioned email, Include: (1) Your Name & Nationality (2) Tel/Fax nr if any (3) Sex, Age & 
Occupation. As part of our Online International Promotions Program, Participants were selected through a computer ballot system 
drawn from millions of email addresses of individuals and companies. 

Note: that out of the Millions of emails suplied by microsoft from the global email data bank, your email ID emerged recipient of the 
above amount in a computerized random ballot system for the promotion of Internet awareness globally. Congratulations once more.
Mr. Dan Cobus.
For: Alliance Members of Inter.Net Award.

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